A lot of us are thinking of goals, especially goals we can set ourselves for the year.
We want to achieve A, B and C.
We want to have D, E, and F
But what if you do not want to have any goals?
There are some benefits to be considered from not having any goals at all. Here are 5!
😃1: Reduced stress from not having to meet any set goals
– “no goals no stress”
😃2: Flexibility and spontaneity
– can easily pivot with the moment to do what you want
😃3: Experience freedom from expectations
– having no expectations of achievement is liberating in a way
😃4: Increased creativity and exploration
– being unbounded by projects and objectives means that we can be free in the way we perceive and create
😃5: Improved well being and mindfulness
– without being driven hard by things that need doing can help one to be present in the moment
🤔BUT by consciously not having goals for a sustained period of time may lead to a sense of lack of direction and purpose. This in itself can feel demotivating.
👉Have you ever felt you did not want to have goals for a time because you do not know what you really really want?
👉Do you perform best with well designed directional goals that stimulate you to achieve and make progress?
👉💡I have a recording of my online workshop “Setting the Stage for Success in 2024: Goal Planning and Action Strategies for Leaders”. Click on the link below to access it so that you can plan your goals.
👉💡You can access the Personal Mastery Quiz to get your personalised Roadmap by clicking on the link below.
My name is Jung.
I empower leaders to get clarity on their purpose using a 3 step personal mastery system.
🤔 If you’d like to know more or explore how I could support you, please reach out to me for a strategy call where we can look at what is missing for you in order to achieve what you want and find meaning in what you do.
#decisionmaking #leadership
#leadershipcoaching #personalmastery #jungpersonalmastery